The Sound Of Strikes

Your vote matters. Your vote counts

Your vote really can amount

To something less loathsome, to someone less dire

Than returning old piles with new logs in the fire

Manifestos pledge all sorts

Campaign with vision, govern with thought

Minority holds of parliament seats

Conjure cringe-curdling policy shifting feats

The pretext of options as colours collide

Belies an establishment rigged to survive

The choice is clear like an odourless gas

Hiss-howling the airwaves, propelled by stats

Hot old embers beat out toxic fumes

Churning the quotes for the chainsaw of news

Healthcare and welfare sold out to greed

Threats to safety fuel cuts to need

Austerity touted and services slashed

The papers blame migrants the rich avoid tax

Profiteer's puppets named expert advisers

While food banks and gross inequality rises

Kensington's fire leaves a nation bereft

But two years on marks two years left.

Towers still clad with inquiry blinds

But Mogg's cause of death cites inferior minds

Racism soars beneath columns of hate

Powering divides using difference as bait

Accents of empire and old boys' cliques

Laugh at the rest in contempt and conceit

Systemic design defends privileged liars

The stench of the rich labelled perfume d'aspire

Fairness is mocked as a fanciful joke

Slinging filth for their donors to dig deeper moats

Denial and deflection of hardship unleashed

Meaningless phrases repeat and repeat

Deception parades in authority's cloak

As the lie beats the truth to the popular vote

Old members refute why they said what they said

Tucking up to the bigots in the cabinet bed

Smoking out gains, positions and posts

For party, for pocket, for the sword on the coat

So your vote matters overall

Not least if you've had no voice at all

Together with others your strike can be bold

And help shape a system to vote out the old

Pick your poison, make your mark

Or strike clear through with heavy heart

Register with millions more

The sound of strikes from years before